World Pinball Player Rankings – Biggest Movers May, June, July 2015

world_pinball_player_rankings_wppr1The IFPA is pleased to announce that the following players saw the biggest jump in their world ranking between May and July 2015. 

May 2015:
Winston Tuttle from Edmonton, AB, Canada (up 10,512 spots), Chris Keller from Brentwood, MD (up 10,174 spots) and Brian Service from Trappe, PA (up 9925 spots).

June 2015:
Kendra Zien from Richmond, CA (up 15,702 spots), Peter Olive from Seattle, WA (up 12,582 spots) and Zach Amador from Seattle, WA (up 11,589 spots).

July 2015:
Tatiana Mora from Miami, FL (up 7851 spots), Wesley Hoyle from Lancaster, UK (up 7242 spots) and Stacey Borg from Melbourne, Australia (up 6058 spots).

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