Mariolle vs. Trepp – The Approval Battle of 2024!

The IFPA sanctioned 12,758 events in 2024, the most we’ve ever had. Those events have to go through a calendar approval process as well as a results approval process. As the number of events we sanction continues to grow, so does the workload our staff puts in to review and approve these events. Sometimes there’s re-reviews and re-approvals when questions pop up. Just when our deck of approvals is clean, wait 5 minutes and more are sure to come in.

There are two people I just had to highlight as there’s no way our organization could keep up with this demand without them. When you see your event on the calendar or results on the website within only a few days, it’s really these two individuals that make it happen. These two individuals are Germain Mariolle and Michael Trepp! If you see either of these two, don’t hesitate to thank them for their effort. Any chance to embarrass them in any way is at the top of my list!

Here were the final numbers for 2024 approvals (both results, calendar and updates):

Germain Mariolle – 18.016
Michael Trepp – 17,001
Josh Sharpe – 772
Andy Bagwell – 346
Zoe Vrabel – 86
Brian Shepherd – 42
Adam Becker – 40

A serious THANK YOU for not only Germain and Michael (and of course Brian Shepherd for all the behind the scenes work), but all the volunteers, representatives and directors of IFPA that allow us to keep this crazy thing going!

7 responses to “Mariolle vs. Trepp – The Approval Battle of 2024!”

  1. Dani Dinkum Dani Dinkum says:

    Thanks for everything!! Much appreciated <3

  2. Chris Wood Chris Wood says:

    Words can’t express the numerous THANK YOUS for all the help!!!!!!

  3. Yves Capaul says:

    Wow thats big Numbers!
    Thank You Mr.Trepp best country director 😉 and a solid pilar of the world of Pinball🙏🏼

    • TEC says:

      True words, I am delighted to have such a Country Director in our country. Always ready to help with questions and implementationq of tournaments. Thank you a lot Meti!

  4. Mike Havens says:

    WHAT!? 18k and 17k?

    35 THOUSAND between them? That’s nearly 100 per day!

    While I am very thankful, you guys could use some help. That’s ludicrous.

  5. Thanks for all your hard work folks! You’re the backbone behind compeititve pinball!

  6. Frank Goeltl Frank Goeltl says:

    Just saw the post—wow, thank you so much! I really appreciate your dedication!

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