IFPA Youth Rankings – Age updated to under 18

A few years back we started including a rankings filter for the best Youth pinball players in the world. The age limit to be included on the rankings list has been ‘under 16’.

We’ve received some feedback from both youth players and parents about the ability for these youth players to utilize their World Youth Ranking as a resource to help them stand out on their college applications. With that application process taking place after that player turned 16, they haven’t been able to reference their place on the Youth ranking system.

We’ve decided that effective immediately we’re expanding these Youth standings to include all players under the age of 18. We’re excited about being able to offer this opportunity for all of the youth players to use this as a resource if they so choose.

4 responses to “IFPA Youth Rankings – Age updated to under 18”

  1. Jeff Palmer says:

    That’s great! I know when Atticus was applying to college, listing ‘2-time IFPA Florida State Pinball Champion’ as one of his ‘extra-curricular activities’ certainly sparked some conversation with the application reviewers.

  2. Dick Curtis Dick Curtis says:

    Would be great if this info appeared on their profile page and/or the Youth list was searchable and sortable by column.

  3. Sean Stewart says:

    I think this is an outstanding move on the part of IFPA! Great Job!

  4. Josh Sharpe Josh Sharpe says:

    Dick – If you check out the WPPR point total on the player profile page that will at least give you a head start on where to look on the Youth Rankings table.

    You can also do a ‘ctrl+F’ and search for the name that way.

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