Notes from The Wizard of Fort Wayne Pinball Wizard’s World Arcade

sponsored blog post

Chef Paul is doing great after having his knee replaced.  That puts our staff count up to 3 new knees, 1 new shoulder, 1 kidney transplant, 2 L5 S1 Discectomy’s, 1 extra foot bone removed and those are just the major items!
Make sure you are following The Dawg, Matt Ogden, of Ogdog’s Pinball Pleasures on Facebook as he will be listing our duplicate games and games The Wizard just doesn’t want to keep.  You can find The Dawg Here:


Finally, film students from Taylor University shot a film project at Wizard’s World in April.  The Wizard can’t wait to see the film!  The students were very professional and appeared to be a very experienced film crew, The Wizard was very impressed!  See the note from Christina as you are all invited to the screening.


Everyone is welcome to come to the screening of our film “Arcaders”!

We are so grateful for everyone at Wizard’s World for making this film possible!

Feel free to share this flyer with anyone who might be interested.

To those who would like to see the final film but cannot make it to the screening, I will send you a private link. The link must remain private for a year while the film is entered into festivals so, unfortunately, it can’t be posted anywhere.

We are super excited to share this film with you! It definitely would not be the same without the magic of Wizard’s World!

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