New for 2025 – IFPA Premier Leagues

As part of the WPPR v5.7 changes made for the 2022 season, the IFPA added rules to the sanctioning of IFPA Leagues that impacted leagues that played across multiple locations.

Pinball leagues have long been a staple of growing the competitive pinball scene in local communities. To support this activity, we wanted to offer a new tier of league with the addition of IFPA Premier Leagues. This Premier League status is meant to highlight those leagues that are going above and beyond with respect to their involvement in spreading the gospel of competitive pinball within their local communities.

The IFPA would like to thank members of the New England Pinball League (NEPL) and Free State Pinball Association (FSPA) who were instrumental in helping create both the list of perks along with the list of eligibility requirements for leagues to get Premier League status.

IFPA Premier Leagues will be allowed to forego all current IFPA League rules for one season per calendar year, with the ability to run whatever format they feel works best for their community of players. These leagues can include all players that participate in at least one session in the results submitted to IFPA.

Eligibility requirements:
– Minimum of 100 active players in the league.
– Discord or Slack channel to encourage communication among league members (IFPA Directors must be allowed access to these channels upon request).
– A minimum of 10% of the league players must be first-time new players to the league.
– Sanctioning fees are $10 per player for this Premier League season (instead of $1 per player).

For more details and to apply for Premier League status, please have the President of your league contact us at


April 2nd update . . .

The feedback from this announcement lead to many discussions with various NEPL and FSPA league members yesterday around the importance of WPPR points. We were made aware of the potential negative impact that the focus of WPPR points can have on a league community, making for an environment that is too focused on competition and not focused enough on fun.

We followed up with a survey to NEPL and FSPA league members asking them if WPPR points were important to them with respect to their interest and participation in those league seasons. Results came back with only 3.8% of players saying that WPPR points were meaningful and important. We try to be an association that listens to a majority of our player base, so based on that feedback we’re going to delay the launch of this IFPA Premier League campaign for now. No need to rock the boat with leagues like NEPL and FSPA already flourishing within their existing communities. The rate at which WPPR points are awarded currently seem to help with the balance of fun/competition and we would hate to tip the scale and make things too hyper competitive with these changes.

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