IFPA10 World Pinball Championship – Video of Championship Match

944357_10151484630238207_590542996_nWith the help of Andreas Thorsén (ranked 181st in the world) and his slick video editing skills, we're excited to release the video of the World Championship match from the IFPA10 World Pinball Championship between Jörgen Holm (ranked 5th in the world going into IFPA10) representing Sweden, and [player]Zach Sharpe[/player] (ranked 3rd in the world going into IFPA10) representing the US. On the line was $1000 cash, a brand new pinball machine from Stern Pinball, the iconic Space Jet trophy and title of World Pinball Champion. Special thanks also to [player]Adam Lefkoff[/player] and [player]Cayle George[/player] for providing the commentary. Jörgen and Zach will both be Epstein Cup participants at the upcoming IFPA11 World Pinball Championship in Denver coming up in May. Click HERE to watch the video.

4 responses to “IFPA10 World Pinball Championship – Video of Championship Match”

  1. Nigh Omnipotus says:

    Been waiting for this stuff all year.

  2. Xerico Pinball says:

    I am unable to connect to the site on my laptop or my iPhone. Anyone else having this problem?

  3. Mike Corica says:

    Now that is a pretty sweet lookin’ trophy!!!!!  Congrats Mr. Thorsen.

  4. Steve says:

    To all involved: Thanks for putting this together, commentating on it, and posting it.

    Regarding the ES jackpot, I’m pretty sure the spinner doesn’t change the value. Dropping the set of drops *near* the spinner advances the jackpot to the next value. I’m also pretty sure it’s possible to get the same jackpot value more than once, but you’d have to go all the way around the value and get back to it.

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