IFPA Ratings System – The 2000 Club!

New for 2012, the IFPA started the IFPA Ratings System for all players. Currently the IFPA Ratings System uses an unmodified version of the Glicko rating system. Rather than focusing on head-to-head play we are using tournament finishing results as the data for the calculation.

Using over 3.8 million pieces of match data, the IFPA Ratings System really focuses on how players are performing RIGHT NOW, compared to the World Pinball Player Rankings system that focuses more on the overall body of work for players over the last 3 years. As we've been tracking the player ratings for the last 6 months, we have yet to see a player hit a rating of 2000 . . . until now!

The current sole member in the 2000 Club is IFPA5 and IFPA6 World Pinball Champion, [player]Bowen Kerins[/player], with a current rating of 2003.34. One only needs to look at Bowen's recent tournament performance to recognize that he may currently be the hottest player out there on the competitive pinball tour.

In 2012, Bowen has compiled a record of 486 wins, 25 losses, and 1 tie against his competition, including a top 4 finish at the IFPA9 World Pinball Championship, and both Pre-IFPA Pinball Tournaments out in Seattle, with a victory at the Full Tilt event.

For a look at the other top rated players, click HERE.

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