Click HERE for the most up to date PAPA/IFPA unified tournament rules.
*last updated 2/23/24
– Replaced any verbiage referencing “him or her” with “them”. Replaced any verbiage referencing “he or she” with “they”.
– Updated verbiage in Section I. Paragraph 7. Stuck Balls
Any points scored by the Tournament Official in the process of freeing stuck balls will not be counted. These points should be subtracted from the final score of the player. It is recommended that Tournament Officials record the scores of all players prior to opening the machine to free the stuck ball.
– Updated verbiage in Section I. Paragraph 9. Player Errors
Applying physical force to a machine, or using any other means, to manipulate staged and/or locked balls in an attempt (successful or not) to avoid having a drained ball(s) be recognized shall not be permitted.
Examples include:
● Shaking Bram Stoker’s Dracula as a ball is draining such that a staged mist ball falls out of that staging area when Mist Multiball was not properly started.
● Shaking Game of Thrones as a ball is draining while balls are locked in the sword lock assembly.
● Shaking Lord of the Rings as a ball is draining such that a locked ball falls out of the sword lock assembly.
– Consolidation of PAPA and IFPA rules into a unified set of rules