$tern Rewards Program – December 2012 Update

The IFPA is excited to announce that the following players have been now qualified for the $tern Rewards Program based on their December 2012 IFPA endorsed tournament performance! These players have until August 15th, 2013 to exercise their reward option.

Any eligible players that finished in the top 250 for the end of the year World Pinball Player Rankings.

BIGGEST MOVER AWARD – [player]Usama Farage[/player]
Usama moved up 5928 spots from his 7th and 9th place finishes in the Nutcracker Duel Main and Classics Tournament respectively. Usama also finished in 19th place in the latest season of the BAPA Pinball League. In total, Usama earned 9.20 WPPR points during December, which moved him up to a rank of 1728th in the world.

BIGGEST MOVER AWARD – [player]Gene X Hwang[/player]
Gene moved up 2345 spots from his 25th place finish at the City Champ tournament. This netted Gene 1.19 WPPR points during December, which has moved him up to a rank of 4211th in the world.

Detailed rules for the $tern Rewards Program, including an updated list of qualifiers, and updated list of rewards available can be found HERE.

3 responses to “$tern Rewards Program – December 2012 Update”

  1. gene x says:

    Wow this is awesome! Honored to be a Biggest Mover 🙂

  2. sme says:

    Which player moved the most for all of 2012?

  3. Josh Sharpe Josh Sharpe says:

    Jesse Gregory moved up 9082 spots between 1/1/12 and 1/1/13. I’m not really sure how to check all the new players we had during 2013 since technically they didn’t exist as of 1/1/12.

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