Results for the Main Tournament event on July 04, 2024
Pos | Player | Rank | Rating | Points |
1 | Nicholas Sylvester | 3840 | 1464.38 | 6.29 |
2 | Connor Fuller | 11728 | 1178.12 | 3.25 |
3 | Nolan Tanguay | 33659 | 972.63 | 2.04 |
4 | Matt Lemoine | 1769 | 1490.31 | 1.33 |
5 | Ryan Lazzarin | 10671 | 1247.53 | 0.91 |
6 | Trey Crews | 7599 | 1341.67 | 0.67 |
7 | Ashley Carroll | 8516 | 1273.55 | 0.53 |
8 | Katie Goodale | 9823 | 1231.49 | 0.46 |
9 | Bruce Water | 7134 | 1291.39 | 0.42 |
10 | Nicole Bernier | 3732 | 1376.67 | 0.39 |
11 | Zach Pyle | 9335 | 1251.06 | 0.37 |
12 | Geoff Alterman | 460 | 1609.76 | 0.34 |
13 | Leslie Hurst | 36573 | 1134.84 | 0.31 |
14 | Scott MacCallum | 12437 | 1139.70 | 0.29 |
15 | Nicole Villacres | 18165 | 1054.80 | 0.26 |
16 | Ryan Bliton | 9695 | 1106.92 | 0.24 |
17 | Leo Paquette | 5669 | 1345.69 | 0.21 |
18 | Kenda Williams | 16215 | 1192.54 | 0.18 |
19 | Kristofer Hurst | 3773 | 1438.92 | 0.16 |
20 | Shawn Parsons | 16624 | 1174.79 | 0.13 |
21 | Derek Carroll | 13053 | 1102.23 | 0.10 |
22 | Timothy MacDonald | 47728 | Not Rated | 0.08 |
23 | Mason Bailey | 45829 | 963.89 | 0.05 |
24 | Britney Hernandez | 47728 | Not Rated | 0.03 |
Format Details
Event Name : | Main Tournament |
Format : | Progressive Strike Knockout |
Player Limit : | 32 |
Unlimited Qualifying? : | No |
Tournament Overview
Tournament Date: July 04, 2024
Players will play in groups of 4 (3 when necessary), random seeding to start, Swiss style pairing thereafter. 0/1/2/3 strikes per round with 5 strike elimination. We alternate (a)DMD/LCD & (b)SS/EM each round. IFPA sanctioned with 32 player cap. Toournament will start promptly at 7:00PM. $5 buy in with $4 going to prize pool, and $1 to cover IFPA fees.